89. " when there came to them a book from allah, confirming what was
with them and, from before, they had been praying
for victory over those who rejected the truth when there came to them
that which they recognized (to be truth), they disbelieved in it.
so allah's curse is on the disbelievers. "
90. " evil is the thing they have sold themselves for,
denying in what allah has sent down, out of envy that allah should send
down of his grace on whomever he wills of his servants,
and they have incurred wrath upon wrath,
and for the disbelievers awaits a humiliating punishment." 


a religious adherent & an infidel!

the words in these verses are again about the jews and their lives.
they formerly had an ardent love and were desirous for the advent of
islam and prophet muhammad (p.b.u.h.) for which they had settled in
medina waiting to see the signs of the new prophet (p.b.u.h.) about
which they had studied in their heavenly book, the turah. from before,
they usually gave each other the happy tidings of the advent of such a
prophet (p.b.u.h.) and they hoped that his appearance would help them
to be able to defeat their enemies. but when they received a book from
allah, the qur'an, which contained the same message that the jews
had had with them, in the turah, they rejected it.

" when there came to them a book from allah, confirming what was
with them and, from before, they had been praying for victory over those
who rejected the truth when there came to them that which they
recognized (to be truth), they disbelieved in it. ..."

"... so allah's curse is on the disbelievers."

yet, it sometimes happens that a person eagerly pursues a certain
fact, but when he reaches it and finds it opposite to his personal
interests, he, being affected by his low desires, refuses it and abandons
it, or even sometimes he stands against it.   

* * * *

in fact, the jews have willingly acquired defeat. those people
who, with the purpose of accepting and following the promised prophet
(p.b.u.h.) had emigrated from their own homes and, with many
difficulties, had settled in medina in order to attain their goal,
ultimately joined the camp of the pagans and hostile disbelievers.
therefore, thequr'an says:

" evil is the thing they have sold themselves for,..."
"... denying what allah has sent down, out of envy that allah should
send down of his grace on whomever he wills of his servants, ..."

it seemed they expected that the promised prophet (p.b.u.h.)
would be one from among the children of israel. they were displeased
of the qur'an having been sent down to someone else. then they,
surrendering themselves to infidelity and disbelief in the truth, showed
their envy to the holy prophet muhammad (p.b.u.h.). therefore, at the
end of the verse, it says:

"... and they have incurred wrath upon wrath, and for the
disbelievers awaits a humiliating punishment."